

Lepaparazzi News Update: Christina Ricci and Nudity in Black Snake Moon

Christina Ricci

PLAYING a chained-up half-naked nymphomaniac in her new movie Black Snake Moan helped CHRISTINA RICCI overcome her prudish nature.

The former child star says she now parades around in her underwear after wearing little for much of the shoot.

Ricci - who plays a 'town tramp' with a very traumatic past in the controversial flick - said: "I'm a prude and I do not like walking around naked.

"I was in my bathroom about two months after the movie finished and I was brushing my teeth and I was in my underwear and I looked down and was like: 'Oh, God, put something on.'

"Then I just stopped and thought: 'Oh my God, I was half naked for two months and my a*s was on camera.'"
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