After recently reuniting with Tommy Lee, Pamela Anderson is opening up about why she “can’t get rid of” the rocker, and she’s chatting about her new reality show—and why her mom wishes she were a lesbian.
Anderson’s reality show, tentatively called Pam—Girl on the Loose, debuts this summer on E!.
Although it’s not yet clear what role ex-hubby and current flame Tommy Lee will have on the show, Anderson says the two are destined to be together.
“I can’t get rid of him,” she tells Radar magazine in its July/August issue. (The divorced duo married in 1995 and have two kids together, Brandon, 12, and Dylan, 10.)
These days, the former Playboy Playmate adds, the Motley Crue drummer is keeping especially close tabs on Anderson.
“For some reason, Tommy has me Google Alerted,” she says. “He’ll always be like, ‘What’s this?’ ‘What’s this?’ He gets every single thing. And I’m like, ‘Honey! Stop Google Alerting me!’ He loves me. I love him. But I don’t Google Alert him.”
Although Pamela and Tommy seem to be happily together again, her mom wishes she had better taste in men—or even moved on to dating women.
“Lately my mother’s said, ‘I wish you were gay, considering your choice of men,’” Anderson tells Radar.
And even though her 2004 semi-autobiographical novel Star opens with a lesbian sex scene, Anderson says she’s always been into men: “It’s really weird because I’ve never been with a girl. Writing about it was as far as it got.”